Interested in staying up to date with upcoming performances, events, and theatrical opportunities? Subscribe to one of our email lists!
(Princeton Students) Register to receive the Torch!
The Torch is our weekly email newsletter keeping you up-to-date with what is happening in the theater world across campus, including upcoming performances, auditions, and production opportunities. Contact our Publicity Director at if you have a specific opportunity you think should be included - we do our best to include most things, but we don't know everything!
Sign up here! If you have difficulties signing up for the Torch through this link, please contact Intime’s Publicity Director at
(Non-Princeton Students) Community Mailing List
For 100 years, Intime has produced high-quality, innovative work for the student community as well as the greater Princeton area. Now, in this new era of virtual theatre making, geography is no longer a boundary, and we can't wait to engage with communities far and wide. We would love to invite you to our virtual productions and other exciting theatrical events!
Please fill out this form if you would like to join our mailing list.
Join the Tech Friends Mailing List!
Not on Intime Board but like building sets, focusing lights, using power tools, and painting things? Miss doing theater tech in high school – or always wanted to be a part of it? Not sure how to do any of those things but excited to learn?
Intime is revamping the Tech Friends listserv, a group of students, grad students, former students, and local community members who are open to helping with tech weeks, build, strike, and other tech responsibilities in the space. It’s a great way to gain technical theater skills without the time commitment of being a designer or on Board, and a fun opportunity to spend some time in our tech shop and with the rest of Intime board. No experience necessary!
Sign up here! We’d love to have you!