Executive Board
Lucy Shea ‘27
General Manager
Lucy Shea '27 is an English major from Springfield, PA pursuing certificates in theater and teacher prep. Outside of Intime, she is a coach for Trenton Youth Singers, a member of Shere Khan a cappella, and an actor and director around campus. They love frequenting arthouse movie theaters, playing guitar, drinking too much coffee, and ranting about the beauty of Shakespeare adaptations.
Didi Vekri ‘27
Production Manager
Didi Vekri ’27 is an English major and an enthusiastic proponent of descriptivism (do not question her original idiomatic phrases). An enjoyer of the slow life, she can be found indulging in a sweet treat, napping around campus, and keeping up with the newest releases at the Garden Theatre. In Intime, she specializes in making silly spreadsheets and sending GCal invites🌸.
Sahaf Chowdhury ‘26
Technical Director
Sahaf Chowdhury '26 is a Visual Arts major while also pursuing minors in theater and computer science. He found his spark for theater after his debut as "elephant butt" in The Lion King Jr., and has been looking to replicate that high ever since (he's yet to succeed). Outside designing and building for theater, he can be found planning social events as Quad's social chair and procrastinating on making artwork for the junior exhibition that is coming up a little too soon.
Christie Davis ‘27
Business Manager
Christie Davis ‘27 is an Economics Major in the Political Economy Program pursuing minors in Finance and History. She thinks theatre is pretty cool or whatever and can therefore be found acting, directing, writing, teaching performance theory, or conducting dramaturgical research on or around Princeton’s campus. For better or worse, Jason Robert Brown will be a top artist on her Spotify Wrapped. If you have a couple of hours to spare, ask Christie what she feels constitutes a faithful adaptation of The Great Gatsby to the stage and she’ll too gladly (over)share.
Harper Vance ‘28
Publicity Director
Harper Vance ‘28 is a prospective Psychology major with certificates in Cognitive Science and Teacher Preparation. She is so psyched(!) to be serving as Intime’s Publicity Director and will dutifully bear the weight of the Torch and all other pub things. Before college, she hadn’t acted since playing Piglet in her elementary schools staging of Winnie the Pooh and will spend the foreseeable future trying to upstage that performance. When not doing all this, try finding her in Bloomberg basement either at a Nass pitch meeting or browsing the WPRB stacks. She’s also a proud horsegirl of 12+ years
Managing Board
Kristen Tan ‘26
Original Projects Director
Kristen Tan ‘26 is a sophomore studying Comparative Literature with minors in Theater and Creative Writing, hailing from the land of the Great Dismal Swamp in Chesapeake, VA. Alongside theater, she loves writing, making music, and Googling answers to the New York Times Crossword! And now she loves directing Intime's original-project-related endeavors. She has a lucky bamboo plant named Matcha that she got in 2020 and that somehow she hasn't killed yet. And if you show her any movie ever, she'll probably cry at it.
Emily Yang ‘26
Equity and Community Officer
Emily Yang '26 is an Electrical & Computer Engineering major with minors in Theater and tune in next time to find out. In student theater, she is a stage manager and graphic designer, sometimes dabbling in lighting design and production management. You can also find them designing pins for TigerTale, coordinating outreach with the Princeton University Robotics Club, and writing poetry in Songline Slam. She enjoys em dashes, wearing bucket hats, and the color blue.
Louise Sanches Barbosa ‘27
Equity and Community Officer
Louise Sanches Barbosa ‘27 is a Politics major pursuing minors in Spanish and Portuguese. Outside of Intime, she can be found rock-climbing, doing research for the Princeton Economics Development Organization, and eating late-meal cookies (obviously the chocolate chip ones). She also likes trees, mountains, and lattes.
Annalise Schuck
Assistant Technical Director
Annalise Schuck '26 thinks Theatre Intime is pretty good. A Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major with a minor in Theater, Annalise can be found trying to pet squirrels in Firestone Plaza. Catching them takes a lot of focus, so please don't interrupt her process.
Tate Keuler ‘26
Assistant Technical Director
Madelyn Smoyer
Assistant Technical Director
Madelyn Smoyer ‘27 is a Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major planning on minoring in Robotics and Creative Writing. Outside of theater, she is involved in Princeton Racing Electric and plays flute in the Wind Ensemble. When not doing Princeton things, you can probably find her watching cheesy monster movies or working on manuscripts for her graphic novel business.
John Heitz ‘28
Props Manager
John Heitz '28 is a freshman from northern Virginia with a passion for theater. He is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology and a minor in Theater, but likes taking classes in all sorts of different subjects. He loves classic sitcoms (you should really watch 'Frasier'), food, and all types of games. If he's not lurking at Intime, you can probably find him at the 'Magic: the Gathering' club or walking around Poe Field. John loves all things theater, and is trying to get involved in as many things as possible, with as many groups as possible. His other theatrical endeavors include writing his own musical and working as production manager at the Princeton University Players. If you run into him, don't hesitate to strike up a conversation.
Kate Andrews ‘28
Costumes Manager
Kate Andrews, class of 2028, is a prospective anthropology major from Oregon with too many hobbies. Outside of Theatre Intime she is the equipment manager for the Princeton University wind ensemble and vice president and treasurer of club fencing. In what little free time this leaves, she enjoys learning languages, getting emotionally attached to fictional characters, and starting but never finishing craft projects.
Georgia Martin ‘27
Box Office Manager
Georgia Martin ‘27 will certainly graduate with a degree. Previously had a career in filling out work orders, she says "That was the opportunity of a lifetime!" Has always dreamed about living in a little box, perhaps an office that is box shaped, so being Box Office Manager is the opportunity of a lifetime!
Will Varner ‘27
Graphics Manager
Will Varner is an English major and prospective Creative Writing minor. Graphic design is their passion, alongside speculative fiction, visual art, and anything about or related to monsters.
Elena Milliken ‘26
Content Manager
Elena Milliken '26 is a Philly native studying Anthropology with minors in Theater and Spanish. She is also an RCA for New College West and a coach with Trenton Youth Theater. On campus, she is mostly a lighting designer and producer, although she dabbles in set occasionally. You will find her wishing she was at the ceramics studio but still never actually going.
James Morales ‘26
James is excited to return as archivist for this semester. He is a sophomore with pursuing an Anthropology major and a minor in the History of Science. Outside of theater, he is doing too many things and acts as the treasurer for Princeton Pictures.
Al Potter ‘27
Systems Director
Ben Goldston ‘28
Assistant Systems Director
Evan Soper ‘27
Assistant Systems Director
Rowan Johnson ‘27
Princeton Shakespeare Company Liaison
Rowan Johnson is a philosophy major from the central (yes, central) NJ coast who loves parentheses. In their "free time," one might find them playing in the theatre (shocker), playing on the cello (goodnight), or playing sad music and weeping over the Revolution that Never Was (✊😔) but trying to do something anyway. Rowan’s new favorite word is “poochon” (sorry, schnoodle) and his favorite color is still mallard’s head green (he swears it's not the same as emerald).
Kailani Melvin ‘28
House Manager
Reunions Coordinator
Kat McLaughlin ‘25
General Board Member
Kat McLaughlin ’25 has loved her time here as a member of Intime Board (fourth bio update!). She is a senior in the Anthropology department, with minors in Environmental Studies and Theater. A former Tech Director (’22-’23) and General Manager (’23-’24), she deeply loves this theater and can talk at length about its accomplishments, weird lore, and joy. She is also a lighting designer, intimacy director, and director (of two Intime mainstages: Celebration / Party Time and Yaga) and has somehow in these last 4 years become a theater person. In her time not thesising or in rehearsal, she can be found playing Star Battle Go, knitting, or sustaining her tea and coffee obsession.
Andrew Duke ‘25
General Board Member
Andrew Duke is a Senior in the Math department. He is Intime’s former Box Office Manager, but now he’s old and decrepit, so he’s satisfied just helping around Intime and acting when he can. You may see him in shows this spring, or else watching movies with friends to avoid thinking about work.
Board Elections
If you are a Princeton student looking for a way to make a significant contribution to the arts on campus with a group that creates opportunities for student theater work at all levels, from student directing to student design to student playwriting, consider joining the board of Theatre Intime. We hold elections twice a year - once in the winter for spring semester and year-long positions, and once in the late spring for semester-long positions in the fall. Look out for information around those times, and feel free to contact our General Manager at gm@theatreintime.org with any questions.
The next Theatre Intime board elections will be held in December 2024. Anyone can run for a board position, regardless of your previous involvement with Intime! To learn more about elections and the goals and duties of the different board positions, you can view information for the next board elections here.